This is Me

Hi there.

I figured my first blog post should be about me, so hi.  I guess I wanted to properly introduce myself.  The 'About Me' pages on websites always feel so sales-y to me, and it makes me gag.  I mean how are you supposed to really get to know someone in a few sentences? 


So here's me...


And this is also me...

the other 90% of the time.  


Yep, the real life me - usually in workout clothes in the hopes of getting a sweat on but only happening some of the time.  I am currently toting a baby on the hip most of the time as well.  Usually trying to get out of playing legos with my almost 5 year old (sorry it's true- legos have taken over our home).  Also happily and completely fueled by caffeine - I truly love coffee.  And food.  Oh and my hubby is amazing.  He works a lot, and travels a lot, and it sucks but he does it for us.  We miss him when he's gone because he's a freakin' awesome dad and husband.  

So, in the photographer world there are a lot of rules, a lot of trends, a lot of categories - as a prospective client, you may frankly not care at all about that, but also, you might.  Spoiler alert: I am here to tell you I don't follow most of these rules.  I don't only shoot one way, or one style.  I tend to say "Lifestyle with a touch of documentary" which really means I want to shoot you, as you are!  But I'm also not above telling you to move into better light, or shooting from an angle that may flatter you a bit.  I'm ALL about the real moments though- the emotions, the connection (I LIVE FOR THE CONNECTION). I don't care if the image isn't perfect, if there's connection you better believe you'll get the image in your gallery!  If your baby is screaming and your toddler refuses to cooperate no matter how many gummies you've offered, you bet I'll capture that exsasperated look on your face, because oh mama, you are IN IT.  And it's so fleeting.... Sure it may not be the image you choose to print at 11x14 and hang on your wall, but I promise it will stir up real emotion from you now, and even more so down the line, and that's what I'm after... Helping you preserve today.

OK OK that was an extended 'About Me, the Photographer'.  But the rest of me: here it is.

I'm a NY transplant to the Baltimore area by way of undergrad at College Park (Go Terps!) and masters degree at University of Maryland, Baltimore.  I'm a Social Worker by 'career' though I've only been a social worker part time since my first was born, and currently not at all.  I love families & children, always have- that's what drove me to get into social work.  I wanted to help, and I still do, but I do it in a much different way right now that works for me, and my family: documenting you and YOUR family (and some other things too, I don't just do family but it is where I focus).


So, how'd I make that leap?  Dogs- that's what got me into photography.  I mean I've always been drawn to the camera, but I'm completely self taught (with the help of some pretty rad online communities) and honestly just wanted to get my images improved as I blogged (back in the day) about my FREAKING amazing dog, Knox, and his adventures as we fostered other pitbull-type dogs in Baltimore.  I still take photos for a rescue I volunteer with, though since having kids, we foster a whole lot less (like maybe 1 a year) but that's ok, because I still get to help in a way that works for me right now.

I love to cook.  I love to cook healthy food to fuel my family.  But I also love to bake really naughty delicious carbs rich food.  Crumb cake might be one of my favorite foods in the world, but I probably only eat it a few times a year.... (Like why do you need to know that?!  You don't... I'll get better at this blogging thing, I promise).  But yea, you may see some food photography from time to time on here as well.

Uh, ok... so what is the point of this blog?  Honestly, it's for me.  It's selfish.  I don't actually expect most of my clients to read all my posts, but sometimes, it's nice to share a piece of me and how I see you.  Call it a live journal of this journey.  I started back in hmmm, 2011?  Just taking photos for friends who believed in me.  I slowly realized it was more than just dogs and friends, and realized I wanted to BE a photographer.  So years later, here I am, ready to document some kick ass moments of you and your loves.  A picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes I have something to say when capturing your story, as I see it.  

I'll try to inspire; to share my heart's work here.  I'll post some times about how you as a non-photog can improve the images you capture of your family.  I'll share some of mine with you.  And maybe even some other random ramblings (I make no promises it will always be photography).

If you've read this far, heck yea!  I promise other posts won't be so long... (at least most of them!)

Stay true to you, loves.  May your coffee be strong and your beer chilled.



