Hey there!


Thanks so much for the visit! I'm Jess. I'm a family photographer in the Baltimore area. My mission in life is to capture your family, in it's truest form. I use natural light, and a documentary-approach when creating priceless and once of a kind photographs of your family. I love capturing your everyday moments - just how I see them through my lens- and preserving them as beautiful memories that will stir emotion and nostalgia for you and your family for decades to come.

So, what do you need to know 'About Me'?

I tried to write this catchy, "perfect" about me page.  I then I gave up and was like, let me tell them who I really am.  Yes yes, I love coffee, traveling, and cuddling up with a good book (who the hell doesn't?!?!?!)  But that's not unique.  Actually the below isn't that unique either, quite honestly.  I'm imperfect. I'm a mom of 2 little boys.  I'm a small business owner.  I'm trying hard to be a better human for the benefit of this beautiful, struggling planet and the future of our children.  I'm messy (sorry, husband).  I microwave my coffee approximately 4 times a day (hooray for iced-coffee season) and I have a bad mouth (I think that's genetic, thanks Mom) so I've given up trying to hide or change that. 

Plain old me :)

Plain old me :)

I also love documenting this crazy,
lovely life of mine and yours.

This is me folks.  99% of time I'm rocking that 'Athleisure' life, aka the mom uniform: workout clothes, topknot (wait… topknot is too cool, its usually just an lowknot), sunglasses to hide tired eyes and a mug of coffee in my hand.  I save makeup for the weekends unless I'm lucky enough to get out mid-week for a glass of wine with a friend. Often I prefer to kill two birds with one stone any way I can (workout date with friend? Check.  Podcast and edit?  Check, etc etc).  I try to do 100 things on any given day and often fall short.  I am trying to learn to stay present as a mom but it is HARD.  I fall short most days, and that's ok.  I try to entertain my 5 year old with biking, baking and ANYTHING else aside from Legos (because that's all he cares about at the moment).  My baby still doesn't sleep well.  I just don't make babies that sleep.  Oh well right?  Anyway, that's me on any given day.  If I didn't scare you away with the REAL me, then let me help you document your perfectly imperfect life right now.  Holler at me here.  I can't wait to meet you.


